Saturday, 29 October 2011


Free OTTO 2-in-1 Top

~If you are from Portugal- Log in, go HERE, fill in the two boxes and click Enter Competition button.
~If you're not from Portugal- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Portugal proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Navegar or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill in the two boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The top should be in an OTTO box in your suite.

Friday, 28 October 2011

We Need Your Help!!

Hey all, guess who's decided to drop in. I don't have any Stardoll news today, but I do need your help.

Our monthly views have gone down a lot since previous months. We need your help to boost our views back up to our peak.

We have grown so much, I personally believe we're fast becoming one of the most popular Stardoll blogs out there.

So, tell your friends about us, etc etc.


Free RBB Mirror and Cupcake

Free RBB Mirror and Cupcake
-If you are from UK - Join a club by clicking HERE and then Click on the cupcake HERE
-If you don't live in UK, Follow these steps
1)Go to UK proxy site like - OR OR OR
2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box in proxy site:
3)Hit Enter or Click on Go/Browse button
4)Log in stardoll, Wait a little till page loads
You will have the mirror
5)For cupcake, Go to Scenery page
6)Click on the cupcake, you will be redirected to club page
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Items should be in a RBB bag in your suite

Free Greek Necklace

If you are from Greece click HERE. Answer all the questions and click 'submit'. The necklace should be in your suite.
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to

Hit enter and log into stardoll.
Type this into your URL bar:

Answer all the questions and click 'submit'. Once the page has loaded you can cross off the proxy.
The necklace should be in your suite.

Fun Quiz!

Bored? Aren't we all? Well then here is a little quiz to tease your stardoll brain!

Click here for our quiz and then wtire your answer in the comments! 

EmilyStardoll xx 

Things like this really bug me off...

So I was on star movie and was making a movie, I'd been doing this for around 1 hour and all of a sudden stardoll just logged out of my account for me.... :( Ugh I hate it when that happens! Have you got anything that really Bugs your ... um ...

Comment now and tell us what you think!


Thursday, 27 October 2011


Free Tennis Racket

If you are from Italy click HERE. Answer all the questions and click 'submit'.
The tennis racket should be in your suite
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to .

Type this into your URL bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Answer all the questions and click 'submit'.
Once the page has loaded you can cross off the proxy.
The tennis racket should be in your suite.


Free Pumpkin

If you are from Finland log into stardoll and click HERE. Complete the competition.

If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy, web proxies don't work.

IP: Port: 80

Or you can find any more HERE and HERE.
The proxies can be very slow...

Proxies are subject to change, from speed to connection time, or even if they work.

When you connect, you should look for this:

It will reassure you connected properly.
If you are having issues with manual proxies, click HERE for help.

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Answer all the questions. The pumpkin should be in your suite.

Free Hat

If you are from Finland log into stardoll and click HERE.
Type in the 'subject' and 'text' box then click submit.

If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy, web proxies don't work.

IP: Port: 80

Or you can find any more HERE and HERE.
The proxies can be very slow...

Proxies are subject to change, from speed to connection time, or even if they work.

When you connect, you should look for this:

It will reassure you connected properly.
If you are having issues with manual proxies, click HERE for help.

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Type in the 'subject' and 'text' box then click submit.
The hat will be in your suite.


Free Clutch

~If you are from Denmark- Log in, go HERE, complete the quiz and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Denmark - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to Denmark web proxy like OR OR OR
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Surf/Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The clutch should be in a Starplaza box in your suite.
Free Horse

~If you are from Austria - you should already have it in your suite.
~ If you're not from Austria- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to an Austria proxy like OR
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Enter/Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till the Stardoll page loads
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
You should find a horse in your suite near the wardrobe.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Free Atom Gift Necklace

~If you are from UK - Log in and click HERE. You will be redirected Atom Books page.
~If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like: OR OR OR
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Adress bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. You will be redirected to Atom Books page
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The necklace should be in an Atom box in you suite

Sunday, 23 October 2011

500th Post - Notice

Hello it's me EmilyPrincess25 (Emily.stardoll) I'm back after so long!I have a notice to make. I'm leaving stardoll... for a break for several months and will occasionaly write on the blog as it's a start at a new secondary school with loads of homework and plus i have 13 days of superstar left so I'm going to give australianstar (SEL) The chance to *take over* the blog from now. I will post maybe every week or so but until christmas time and weekends I will be unable to post.

I'm not selling my account, though I will maybe do a comp for new writer. So this blog can be updated,

Many thanks,


Friday, 21 October 2011

, - my new blog full of freebies plz join and follow x

Free Sims 3 Pets TV, Cap and upcoming items

~If you are from USA- Log in, go HERE and join the Sims 3 Pets club
~If you're not from USA - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like: OR OR OR
2. Paste the Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Browse or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Now paste the Sims 3 Pets club link into the blank box of the proxysite
5. You should have automatically joined the club.
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
You should find the cap in a Sims 3 Pets bag and the TV in a Starpalza box in your suite.

Free Fallen Angel Wings

If you are from the Greece log into stardoll and click HERE. Chose a photo, then click 'send to competition'.

If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy, web proxies don't work.

IP: Port: 8080

The proxy can be very slow...

When you connect, you should look for this:

It will reassure you connected properly.
If you are having issues with manual proxies, click HERE for help.
Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Chose a photo, then click 'send to competition'. Once you are done, cross off the proxy. The wings should be in your suite in a starplaza bag.

Attention: Even though these are not web proxies with ads, we can not ensure that you will be safe.
I've been using manual proxies for some time and nothing ever happened to my account.
These proxies are third party proxies, open for public use.

Free Shoes
If you are from the Netherlands log into stardoll and click HERE. Dressup the doll then save the doll.

If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy, web proxies don't work.

IP: Port: 8080

The proxy can be very slow...

When you connect, you should look for this:

It will reassure you connected properly.
If you are having issues with manual proxies, click HERE for help.
Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Dressup the doll then save the doll. Once you are done,
cross off the proxy. The shoes should be in your suite.

Note: It took me a while to get the shoes, then find them.
Mine was in an unusual place, so look in your whole closet room

Thursday, 20 October 2011


Free Necklace

~If you are from Greece - Log in, go HERE and fill in the two boxes with necessary information, then click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Greece - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Greek proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill the two empty boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The necklace should be in a bag in your Beauty Parlor.

Free Silver Tiara

►Free Silver Tiara
If you are from Brazil, Send a pic on contest HERE
If you are from anywhere else -
1)Go to this website (brazilian stardoll version)
1)Log in
2)Click on any of your pictures and Click Send it to competition button
3)Wait till page loads with Your contest entry has.. text
4)Go to normal stardoll mode,
Tiaras should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

If you are from the UK log into stardoll, click HERE and watch the full video. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Watch the full video, then close off the proxy. The teddy bear should be in a Weetabix bag in your suite.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Stardoll-Miss Stardoll World

We know the finalists,CEREN-Gk and some others,they're mostly from Turkey.
I'm going to interview someone of them.

Free Voile Crystal Purse

If you are from Russia just log into stardoll and click HERE. Scroll down,
write anything in the two boxes and click Enter Competition.
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Scroll down, write anything in the two boxes and click Enter Competition.
Once you have entered the competition you can leave the proxy. The bag should be in a starplaza box in your suite.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Free NEW Monte Carlo Upcoming items

Free NEW Monte Carlo Upcoming items

-If you are from USA - Join a club by clicking HERE
-If you don't live in USA, Follow these steps
1)Go to USA proxy site like -
2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box in proxy site:
3)Hit Enter or Click on Go/Browse button
Click Enter later, Take me to the club for the Monte Carlo spree pop-up
4)Log in stardoll, Wait till club page loads again
Click Enter later, Take me to the club for the Monte Carlo spree pop-up
5)Leave proxy, Go to
Bag should be in a Monte Carlobag in your suite

The rest of items will arrive, when there will be more members to hit the next goal


Free Star Necklace

If you are from Sweden log into stardoll and click HERE.
Scroll down and put anything in each box. Click Enter Competition.
If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy,
go to or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll.
Scroll down and enter something in each box.
Click Enter Competition. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy.
The necklace should be in an Avril Lavigne bag in your suite.


Free Kids Day Dress

If you are from Brazil just go HERE

If you are from everywhere else just go here:

Log in and Enter the competition by submitting a photo.

Go to your suite as usual it will be there.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Stats Of TSC

TSC was founded in April 2011. It had 35 page views that month. The next month it had 261... not much of a change... then a month later in june it had 5,664 Pageviews!!!!! More then 5,000 extra pageviews rules... then in July... 3.650, August 4,364 and then September... 6,064! I'm so impressed. We have already had over 1,500 this month.. Lets keep it going guys!

Emily xoxo

Pet A Porter

The new Pet A Porter halloween styled Pets are out now! And they are so CUTE!  Freaky! Well some are cute but if you like blood, gore and all things weird buy one! They are all 100sd apart from wings for 14sd. None have sold out and there are about only 20 of each gone! (Well a bit more but you know what i mean) So grab one!

Emilly x

I miss the blog1 Sorry i cant write much!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Congratulations, TSC!

Well, you all know me as the former-doll reporter, now tech-gal SEL. But have you seen me around? Nope. Thats because, while all of our writers are reporting on the newest free gifts and news, I've been behind the scenes, fixing up our sites, updating interfaces and putting together videos of epic to promote Stardoll Cheatbook. I remember when I first started out in my role as a writer here (I was the first writer, aside from Emily) the blog was incredibly small, only three or four followers. Now we've reached the milestone 50, thanks to the entire Stardoll Cheatbook family. Our fabulous owner and manager, Emily, and all of our brilliant writers, Jazzy, Crystaly, Mimi and Sssona, our friends at other blogs such as How-To-Get-Free and Underneath Stardoll, and you, all of our beautiful followers and writers.

Our entire TSC network, branching out to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Formspring and Weebly, has increased our views and followers massively. Our exclusive fashion line, Eva, has really taken off, with gorgeous clothes and accessories. Our Stardoll Club has over 50 members, which is a really fantastic achievement.

I am so incredibly proud of the progress that our humble little blog has made, and the friends I've made in Emily, and all the writers and readers (and maybe even fans). I've been able to interact with readers on a more personal scale on our Facebook page, and Emily too on our Formspring page.

I hope we can progress even further, to 100 followers, to 1000, to 100,000! Let's do this!

For now and the foreseeable future,

AustralianStar for Stardoll Cheatbook


Free Dance Floor and Upcoming Gifts

If you are from the USA join the Disney Lounge Fashion club HERE.
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy,
go to or or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Once the page has loaded LOG OUT OFF Stardoll From THE PROXY.
Cross off the proxy.

Friday, 7 October 2011


Free Ant Farm Violin

If you are from the UK log into stardoll and click HERE. Scroll down and click Enter Competition. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, or or or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. In the url bar change the link to:

Hit enter again. Scroll down and click Enter Competition.
Once you have entered the contest you can leave the proxy.
The violin should be in an Ant Farm bag in your suite.

New Natura Faces and Kmart Rebecca Bon Bon Store

There's a new make-up store out in Brazil I think.
To get all the items in your dressing room click HERE.
Also there is a free lipstick :)
Thanks for image Luh.Isa
There's also a new Rebecca Bon Bon floor out in the USA..
to get all the items in your dressing room click HERE.

Free Lipsticks

If you are Brazilian you will be able to see the Natura Face store, but if you are from a different country click HERE to get it in your dressing room.

And for the second lipstick you have to enter the contest. If you are from Brazil click HERE and enter, but if you are from a different country you will have to use a proxy like or

Paste into the URL bar and press enter. Log into your stardoll account.

Answer the question then log out and close the proxy when you are finished.

The lipsticks will be in your beauty parlor.

Free Summit T-Shirt

If you are from the UK/USA/Australia log into stardoll and click HERE. Answer all the questions and click Enter Competition.
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to or or or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Answer all the questions then click Enter Competition.
Once you have completed the contest you can leave the proxy.
The t-shirt should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

Free SR Only Skirt

If you are royalty click HERE. Chose a photo from your camera,
or you can actually complete the contest of giving Callie.Stardoll a makeover.
The contest is available for all.

The skirt will be in your suite in a Stardoll Royalty bag.

Free Fairy Dress

If you are from the UK/USA/Australia log into stardoll and click HERE. Dress up the doll.

If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy:

IP: Port: 3128 [USA]

IP: Port 3128 [USA]

IP: Port 3128 [UK]

Having trouble setting a manual proxy? Click HERE.

Paste this into the proxy url bar:
Hit enter and log into stardoll. Dress up the doll.

Once you have completed the contest you can leave the proxy.
The dress should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

If you are from the USA log into stardoll and click HERE. Answer all the questions and click Enter Competition.
If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to or or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll.
Answer all the questions then click Enter Competition.
Once you have completed the contest you can leave the proxy.
The dress should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

First of all go to the Pink Ribbon calendar HERE. Then open and buy door 7.
(They may not be available for long, so get it while you can.

The shoes will be in a starplaza box.

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