Sunday, 30 September 2012

Hotbuys Runners

Hot Buys Runners Released 
They cost 10 stardollars and are available in Original Future. Click HERE to get them in your dressing room in Starplaza.
Do you like them?
Do you know what the real life version looks like?


Wednesday, 26 September 2012



Do stardoll want to get rid of bidding?

So today I went to the broadcast to write down "Bid" as I had done it the day before, though when I went to look for it under the "B" Category it seemed to have disappeared! I tried again the next day and it still was not there! Do you think Stardoll are trying to stop people bidding on items or not?
Don't forget to comment and FOLLOW StardollCheatbook today!


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Segment Ideas - Read

I am looking to write a new segment for TSC (The Stardoll Cheatbook) But I do not know what to write about!
Shall I write about how to wear stuff? Bargains I found in Bazaar? Suite of the week?
Or maybe another idea?

You choose.
Just guestbook me on EmilyPrincess25 VIA stardoll or in the comments below!


And maybe if your segment is chosen you can be the featured writer doing it!

ISD Writer

I am proud to say that I am currently a trial writer on the AMAZING blog, Inbetween Stardoll! Cool right? So you can now check out my posts where I'll be doing new segments and also posting them on here so you don't miss out. Cool right?

And sorry for the late post!

Sunday, 16 September 2012



There's been another "Glitch" on Stardoll. This time its the new It Girls soft Peach Pants at 11sc. Quick. Get them before they change to their original Price!

- EmilyPrincess25



Hey! So, I was looking in the suite shop today to see if there was any new releases when I saw that the 38sp  Dance Studio was first on the list, At first I was a bit confused and then I saw that it was 30sd! I am not sure if this is just a glitch or if they made it more expensive as they wanted to take more stardollars from us so we could run out and eventually by more? (Yes I know confusing right?)

But what do you think? Did stardoll do it on purpose or by accident?


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

National Covergirl Great Britain!

Today,I am proud to say that I am Great Britain's National Covergirl for today! I was so excited and I want to thank EVERYONE who voted for me an made my dream come true:) 

Now while you are at it. Don't forget to visit TSCheatbook club and JOIN!
- EmilyPrincess25

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Media Partner and Exclusive Interview!

Most of you will have or have heard about an amazing blog which specialise in both Fashion and photography and lets not forget Stardoll called And when TSC asked Ghandoora for an interview about her blog and stardoll not only did she kindly accept, but she agreed to be our 3rd Media Partner! Exciting right? Continue reading for an exclusive interview with Miss Stardoll World Semi Finalist and 14 time National Cover Girl Winner Ghandoora!

TSC: So, Ghandoora why did you decide to join Stardoll?

G: Hmm.. I was looking for a website where I can meet new people from all over the world and learn new things about other countries and civilizations
TSC: I love your blog and always read it everyday, why did you create it though?

G: Well I have always wanted to have a blog since I was a child to share my passion and things I love especially fashion and photography became my main interests.
TSC: You ran for Miss Stardoll World last year and got into the semi's but will you be running again this year? Also, how much money did you spend on getting that far in MSW (If any)? 

G: I don’t think so, since I was in the finalist is like I’m the winner, I’m giving a chance for other girls in my country to be in the finalist. Actually, I didn’t spend any money, many girls helped me and I did it ^^
TSC: How much time do you spend on your suite and doll, as they always look fantastic!

G: Stardoll is the first website that when I wakeup I open it, well I spend most of my time on it like 7 hours in a day.
TSC: Last question :) What is your favorite thing not just about stardoll but about writing a blog but having hundreds and thousands of people on stardoll that know who you are without having to send out broadcasts?

G: Well It ‘s wonderful feeling because many people are caring about things you write it, you know what, after one year of blogging, in 2011 I was nominated for "Best Writer" Award and it’s like an honor to be! Thank you for this wonderful interview, I’m so glad that you chose me:)

I loved talking to Ghandoora, She is so lovely! To find out more visit her on stardoll or at her blog

- EmilyPrincess25

Dressup games at Stardoll

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Pick Of The Day

Pick of the Day
Another Pick Of The Day from Pretty N' Love this time it is the Parish Flame Dress which costs a mere 15 Stardollars, which is a lot, though I must say it is beautiful. Especially against sun - kissed skin which makes the medolls skin colour glow.

Even though I love this dress I won't be buying it.Will you?
Dressup games at Stardoll

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

New Hotbuys

There has been a new hotbuy released and I have to say... I love it! As you can see I tried it on my doll (EmilyPrincess25) and I thought it looked amazing! I love the colours and the style of the romper. It is from Original Future and costs 19sd, which is about the price you'd be expecting for a new Hot Buy... But not for an old one. For more about Hot - Buys and Rares and thoughts on them keep tuned for a special feature up soon...
Original Future Hot Buys Romper - 19SD
- Emily

Pet Shop - Monkeys

There are some new Monkeys available in the Pet Shop! They range from 5sd - 11sd and 92sc - 98sc. They are very cute! But, will you be buying one of these furry chimps?

- Emily

Pick Of The Day

Today's updated Pick Of The Day is the adorable Pet Shop Swingy, which for only 92 star coins comes with an adorable monkey and some swings!
Pick of the Day
Even though this is ADORABLE and affordable, I don't think I will be buying this. Will you? Comment Below :)

- Emily

Pick Of The Day

From now on we will be doing a section called "Pick Of The Day" where we will be reviewing the outfits posted every day and asking your opinion. 

Pick of the Day

So what do you think? I think this dress is lovely and vintage, though for 15sd it's very expensive, seeing as it is not a Hot Buy. It is available from Pretty N' Love and is under the name "Rose Dress" so. What do you think of it?
- Emily

Monday, 3 September 2012

The All New Stardoll Cheatbook Club!

The all new The Stardoll Cheatbook club is now open on Stardoll so go on. Join it!

Just search up TSCheatbook under clubs. If you can't find it. Look under EmilyPrincess25 :D


Competition Time!

Dressup games at Stardoll

Competition Time!To Celebrate Miss Stardoll World. I am holding a competition to win big prizes!
All you have to do is COMMENT below saying Your Thoughts On Miss Stardoll World. And If You Think It Is A "Con" And Give Reasons. And maybe vote me...hehe
Remember to add your stardoll name and if you are NON SS or SS

Superstar Prize
-  1 Young Hollywood / Mortal Kiss or  Dress (1SD)-  A Gift Costing up to 15SD In Suite Shop- Interview featured On Stardoll Cheatbook- A Miss Stardoll World Advertisement On Stardoll Cheatbook- Become A Writer (Limited time / Optional)
Non Superstar Prize
-  A Gift Costing up to 20SD In Suite Shop- Interview featured On Stardoll Cheatbook- A Miss Stardoll World Advertisement On Stardoll Cheatbook- Covergirl / MSW Votes from me and my friend. Which we PROMISE to do.- Become A Writer On The Blog (Optional)

Competition ends when enough entries.

New Archive

New Starplaza Archive is now available to buy! Will you be getting any and see if you can spot some rares?

New Glam 'R Us

There are two new "floors" of Glam 'R Us. They look very fancy and perfect for a special occasion. Will you be buying any?


Sunday, 2 September 2012

Our *New* Look (Well...)

Okay so as you can see our FACEBOOK page is now up and running again. *Whoop Whoop!* and we have added a chat so now you can chat *duh* with other Stardoll lovers! Cool right?!

Oh and to celebrate we are going to have a competition!
But... The details won't be up for a little while so hold onto your mittens (did I just say this?) and wait for an AWESOME *hopefully* FANDABBYTASTICALLYAMAZING PRIZE!
Emily -

Our (2ND) Media Partner

Please welcome our brand spanking new Media Partner....StardolllCouture!

Now...Let me tell you a little bit about this AMAZING Blog and why you should follow it!  Well Firstly:
It is Hilarious with a capital H...Or is that just me finding everything funny? Anyway, they bloggers speak the truth and they seems so cool and friendly.

Secondly, They aren't all crazy, Yes they like to have some "fun" with makeovers but seriously. Do you really want your dolls looking like a drag queen?

And lastly, They are a brand new blog so it means that they are fresh and new like a babys bottom and not wrinkly and old like us lot!

So there you have it. 3 (AMAZING) reasons on why you should visit STARDOLLCOUTURE'S amazing fandabbydosey new blog!

 Peace Out, Word Up and Hang Loose -



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