Most of you will have or have heard about an amazing blog which specialise in both Fashion and photography and lets not forget Stardoll called And when TSC asked Ghandoora for an interview about her blog and stardoll not only did she kindly accept, but she agreed to be our 3rd Media Partner! Exciting right? Continue reading for an exclusive interview with Miss Stardoll World Semi Finalist and 14 time National Cover Girl Winner Ghandoora!
TSC: So, Ghandoora why did you decide to join Stardoll?
G: Hmm.. I was looking for a website where I can meet new people from all over the world and learn new things about other countries and civilizations
TSC: I love your blog and always read it everyday, why did you create it though?
G: Well I have always wanted to have a blog since I was a child to share my passion and things I love especially fashion and photography became my main interests.
TSC: You ran for Miss Stardoll World last year and got into the semi's but will you be running again this year? Also, how much money did you spend on getting that far in MSW (If any)?
G: I don’t think so, since I was in the finalist is like I’m the winner, I’m giving a chance for other girls in my country to be in the finalist. Actually, I didn’t spend any money, many girls helped me and I did it ^^
TSC: How much time do you spend on your suite and doll, as they always look fantastic!
G: Stardoll is the first website that when I wakeup I open it, well I spend most of my time on it like 7 hours in a day.
TSC: Last question :) What is your favorite thing not just about stardoll but about writing a blog but having hundreds and thousands of people on stardoll that know who you are without having to send out broadcasts?
G: Well It ‘s wonderful feeling because many people are caring about things you write it, you know what, after one year of blogging, in 2011 I was nominated for "Best Writer" Award and it’s like an honor to be! Thank you for this wonderful interview, I’m so glad that you chose me:)
I loved talking to Ghandoora, She is so lovely! To find out more visit her on stardoll or at her blog
- EmilyPrincess25